Topics of Expertise: Climbing, Adventure, Travel, Camping, Hiking, Outdoor Gear
Years in Expertise: 15
Number of Products & Number of Hours Tested: 100s of Products and 100s of Hours
Education & Certifications
Education: Bachelor’s of Journalism, University of North Texas
Years of Writing: 15+
Clubs & Associations: American Alpine Club
Awards/Recognitions: 2012 Livingston Award for Local Reporting
Previous Publications: Austin American-Statesman, Dallas Morning News, Fort Worth Weekly, Williamson County Sun, Texas Monitor
A Word From Andrew McLemore
The written word always called to me. After many years in journalism, writing about the outdoors for Lola Digital Media is a dream made real.
When I became editor of my college’s student newspaper, I ran a staff of 40+ people and stayed up until 1 a.m. four days a week. I loved it, and I’ve never looked back.
My personal interests include music, travel, books, adventure, and my dog.
Maria Cranor was many things: Yosemite climber, Black Diamond co-founder, and a physicist. But to director Mike Call and many others, she was ‘The Mentor.’
The Steamboat Springs development will likely be modeled after the Yellowstone Club, a private Montana ski community where homes sell for up to $25 million.
While the outdoor industry brings in over $1 trillion to the US economy, more workers are joining labor unions to boost their compensation and representation.